Nadim Gemayel

A Splash of Light Engulfed by Feudal Darkness

"The beginning of the end will come if we are divided upon ourselves. We should overstep all petty considerations. The enemy’s only weapon consists in breaking our ranks and pitting us against each other... Let us rise above selfishness and partisan politics, and be one single united party, the party of Lebanon."
- Bachir Gemayel

Monday, September 13, 2004

Foundation: Pakradouni is no Bashir Gemayel

BEIRUT: The Bashir Gemayel Foundation criticized Minister of State for Administrative Development Karim Pakradouni, the Phalange Party president, for saying Gemayel's dream had come true with "the presence ... of President Emile Lahoud."

The foundation described Pakradouni as "a leadership imposed on the Phalange Party by the authorities."

In a statement Saturday, it also slammed Pakradouni's use of Gemayel's name to justify the party's bowing to the authorities.

"Pakradouni has carried out a comparison in fields that cannot be compared," the statement said, "between Bashir Gemayel's transparency, patriotism, power and dignity, and between those who succumb to Syria's will and thus sacrifice the nation.

"Gemayel's blood was shed for Lebanon and its cause, and not for anyone else."

The foundation asked Gemayel's "forgiveness as some of those who call themselves your comrades are lying in your name."

From the Daily Star


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