Nadim Gemayel

A Splash of Light Engulfed by Feudal Darkness

"The beginning of the end will come if we are divided upon ourselves. We should overstep all petty considerations. The enemy’s only weapon consists in breaking our ranks and pitting us against each other... Let us rise above selfishness and partisan politics, and be one single united party, the party of Lebanon."
- Bachir Gemayel

Monday, September 13, 2004

Mass commemorates Lebanese Forces martyrs' day

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BEIRUT: In commemoration of the Lebanese Forces martyrs day, a mass was celebrated at Notre Dame du Liban, Our Lady of Lebanon Cathedral in Harissa. The event was attended by over 40,000 people with the roads leading up to the cathedral all packed with buses and cars full of Lebanese Forces supporters as hundreds of people walked most of the way up under a burning Sunday sun, passing the various army checkpoints set up along the way.

Alongside the families of the martyrs and the Lebanese Forces supporters who came from all over Lebanon, many guests attended the mass including Strida Geagea, wife of imprisoned Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea, Solange Gemayel, Nadim Gemayel and former Lebanese President Amin Gemayel.

"The martyrs we are commemorating today never actually died," said Father Chikrallah Harb, representing Maronite Patriarch Nasrallah Butros Sfeir. "It is only when national heroes die that a country such as this one can prosper."

Harb added that Lebanon is known for its martyr history. "People of all religions and backgrounds have given their soul for the sake of this country," Harb said, "and this is something we should all be proud of."

At the end of the Mass, Geagea addressed the audience saying that "the doctor (Samir Geagea) is OK, he is OK ... but Lebanon is not."

Geagea highlighted a series of recommendations, among which was the release of "innocent prisoner" Samir Geagea, and the formulation of a new parliament election law that "represents every category in the Lebanese population, be it Muslims or Christians, residents or emigrants."

Geagea added that the "diplomatic balance should be preserved by cancelling any settlement law and that dialogue should be encouraged among all Lebanese parties."

To commemorate the Lebanese Forces Martyrs' Day, hundreds of celebrations were held by Lebanese communities in several European and American countries.

Masses were also celebrated in Sydney, Australia, as well as in Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Washington, Michigan, Paris, London, Rome and Brussels.

From the Daily Star


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